How to decide if your house is perfect for solar panel installation

Solar panel installation at homes is an idea that requires lot of evaluation and assessment before hitting the ‘ACTION’ button. Simply installing the panels mindlessly can lead to the situation where these prove to be nothing more than fiber glass sheets spread over your house, delivering not a fraction of what they are meant for. Thus, here are few things that the best solar companies in Rajasthan pay attention to while suggesting if your house is fit for solar panel installation.

No of trees around the house

Weird but true, if your house is surrounded by lots of trees that ultimately keep sunlight from falling onto its roof, the solar panel installation can prove to be a disaster. The best solar companies in Rajasthan may refuse to install solar panels in those houses where the exposure to sunlight is minimal. Alternatively, you may require additional panels at an elevation for getting the desired results.

Best solar companies in Rajasthan

South facing house – perfect for solar panel installation

Houses that face south get maximum amount of sunlight throughout the year especially when these are in the countries lying in Northern Hemisphere. If the flat roof installation is in your mind while getting the services of the best solar companies in Rajasthan, then you will find the experts tilting the panels at an angle of 45o so that maximum power generation is ensured. This is a kind of working rule for the solar panel installation that you must let the panels face south if you want to get the maximum out of your installation.

House is minimally obstructed

Apart from the trees that were discussed in previous segment, one should also ensure that the neighboring buildings are not, kind of, towering over your roof and obstructing the sunlight. The roof needs to have maximum exposure to sunlight and this can be ensured only if the house is situated in an open space that is open in real sense and no billboards or adjoining buildings are blocking the sunlight.

How to ascertain the feasibility of house for solar panel installation

The best solar companies in Rajasthan conduct surveys and maintain records of those localities where solar panel can prove to be a hit. Also, road views and bird eye’s views tell all about the sunlit hours that the house gets.

Solar panel installation does involve a large ticket size and so it cannot be done just to compete with what your peers have done. Watch out for these points before hiring solar panel expert.
