5 Things To Know Before Installing Solar On Your Roof

As we proudly call ourselves the digital generation, all this automation, and digitization comes with rising need for electricity consumption. The gross electricity consumption of India in the year 2016-2017 was recorded to be as high as 1,122 KWh Per capita.  With the rapidly growing economy, the country is facing a huge energy demand. And as the demand-supply gap for electricity is increasing in the country the need of the hour is to think of the alternative ways to fulfill the energy needs.
Rajasthan is blessed with the availability of abundant barren land and a huge capacity to install solar power plants. And with such tremendous scope of generating the solar energy, the need of the hour is to take the best use of the renewable sources of energy.
The Rooftop solar provides unique opportunity to utilize the spare space to generate electricity which is consumed largely under the roof and the excess can be exported to the grid. An enormous amount of land can be saved by adding rooftop solar capacities across the country. And with such huge market potential, the electricity consumers including the commercial and industrial (C&I) and retail need to be made aware to utilize their roofs to generate electricity and manage their consumption by generating electricity on their roofs.
The cost of solar keeps on falling and the number f installations keeps rising. With all the questions in your mind, our solar experts suggest few things to consider before installing rooftop solar plant.

A Roof that can support solar panels

A roof mostly covered in shade is probably not the most favorable option for the solar panels to get installed. The best option is to look into a shared community solar. The approach not only would lead to the shared cost but also would benefit the maximum towards choosing the economical source of electricity.

Investigating how much electricity is used every day

Homeowners should be well aware of their day-to-day energy consumption and consider low-cost and easy to implement energy saving options. The first step is to study your electricity bill and analyze the power consumption in various components. The various online applications, such as BijliBachao.com can help analyze the electricity bill. Get a detailed information about the equipment used and power consumed in each. Get an approximate usage per room before going solar.

Cost analysis for switching to solar

To move to solar, you will need solar panels, inverters or UPS (For uninterruptible power supply), battery, charge controller and wiring. All this besides your knowledge of power consumption pattern. The cost of a rooftop solar panel depends largely on the quality of the solar panels and installing company. The number of panels needed depends on the number of units of power consumed daily.

Get a good storage unit

Since solar power can be generated only when the sunlight is in abundance and not when it is raining or overcast, the best is to save the generated electricity for later use. To consume the generated electricity a battery will be needed. A panel with a battery increase the overall costing of the installation but the batteries are needed to make the maximum utilization of the power generated.

Service & Maintenace

While picking and finalizing, make sure you get equipment from the genuine supplier. The life of a solar panel is 25 years and no moving parts are required for maintenance. A solar panel requires cleaning with a soft cotton cloth once in 15-20 days for panels to stay scratch and dust free. Always opt for a solar setup under warranty period and with all necessary certifications so to ensure if the malfunctioning happens. The payback period for a solar system is usually 3-5 years.
